Sustainable rice intensification

Science on the Land

Here’s a think tank called the Institute for Food and Development Policy (Food First). Food First isn’t for profit. It’s worth watching.

At Food First, Hellin Brink tells us about Sustainable Rice Intensification (SRI, also known as the System of Rice Intensification). Dr Brink doesn’t think the smallholders of Asia want or need another Green Revolution. Not everybody agrees. Sound familiar? This is what keeps happening when people talk about food and farming. I say, keep your critical mind switched on and don’t believe everything you read.

Here’s SRI-Rice ONLINE which ‘contains the most comprehensive collection of information on the System of Rice Intensification globally.’

Here are some of Dr Brink’s words at Food First. ‘Many resource poor smallholder farmers in the global south has not benefitted from the conventional production methods developed through the intensification of agriculture known as the ‘Green Revolution’ (GR). Besides extensive evidence…

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